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Web Design Swakopmund

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Whether your business is online

or not, follow this checklist to get the most out of an online presence and make a success of your small business.

Your small business needs an online presence – and if you’ve spent any time with us, you’ll know that this is not negotiable. You need a website (even a simple one), a social media presence, and a strategy. But where to start? How do you know which online platforms to use when there are so many options? We’ve designed this checklist to keep you organised.

Design and build a website

Start a blog on your website

Set up your newsletter
Track what happens on your website
Social Media
Go Digital

You wouldn’t build a house and have your contractor just start building. You need an architect or engineer to come up with a plan first, and the same goes for your website. Before hiring a web developer, you need to organise your content. Start by determining what tabs you want on your navigation bar, and then decide what content you want to appear on each page. You can do it yourself, or we can help you. Then, once you are ready to get your organised content online, contact us!

Your blog should be just a strategically-designed page on your website, updated often with fresh content. If you’re asking yourself What’s the point of blogging?? – read this. Then, learn how you can get the most out of your blog with these tips.

Your website will come with a free newsletter service, with added paid for benefits! Remember: getting permission to add someone to your email list is the most important thing about managing your newsletter. If you’re looking for an all-in-one formula to get permission, create content and stay connected!

Tracking what people do on your website, and where they came from, is not as difficult (or as creepy!) as it sounds. Set up Google Analytics (it takes less than 10 minutes to install), and then decide how often you want to log in to see your analytics. Setting a routine makes this habit so much easier to uphold. At the beginning of every month, we skim our stats from the previous month. It gives us an idea of which social channels are sending people to our website, and what blog posts people landed on most. Pick out the highlights and don’t get bogged down by the numbers. Keep an eye out for anything out-of-the-ordinary – What drove a lot of traffic? What didn’t attract much attention, and why? That’s the information you want. Your site will offer a free version of this too! Neat! It also comes with added paid for benefits but with enough information to know where to change your strategy!

Plan out foundational social media posts. Yes, is the quick answer. Your business needs to be on social media because your customers, clients, and community are there. It does not, however, need to take a lot of time away from your other core business activities – especially if you use it with a good strategy. Come up with some evergreen social media posts – content that makes sense year-round, today, and in the foreseen future – that you can use again and again, across platforms. 

Ensure the content on your website is optimised and as small in size as possible. Avoid large images and videos if you do not need them. Crop images to size beforehand and keep the site neat and simple. If a website takes to long to load, users normally navigate away from them, before your content could be loaded and seen.

Not only are digital records easier to search through and organize, but going paperless is gentler on the planet.  Your site comes with a variety of forms, and recommend it for clients needing to quickly collect email addresses, signatures, and additional information or as a contact form.

Everything we do and recommend has been distilled down from extensive research, trial, and error. We try our best to create a clear and humble approach to good business tactics so that you and your teams can understand and turn it into effective and productive revenue streams.

Contract us to design and develop your website and show you how to update and maintain it. Your website will quickly make its way to Google's first page and leave your competition scratching their heads!

© 2024 by Lux Graphic & Web Design. Brighten your corner of the web.

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